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Like Pulling Teeth

You know that old saying, right? When something is really giving you trouble it's like pulling teeth. I recently had the literal experience, and it was a wrestling match between my tooth and my dentist. So that was fresh in my mind when I sat down to work on my current story this morning. I feel like getting any words to come out is like pulling very stubborn teeth.

It's a great day for writing. At least for my tastes. It's rainy and windy and grey. Good daydreaming weather. Hence, good writing weather. But my characters are being uncooperative. They just don't want to come out and play with me. One character in particular doesn't like being made to look like a jerk. Sorry, sweetie, but I need you to be a jerk right now and it's going to get worse before it gets better.

I think I worry too much. I worry about how something I write is going to be received or how something will come across. I worry that a reader will give up on the story before they see how I weave everything together and work it all out. I think I need to get back to writing what pleases me and hope that anyone who reads it will enjoy it as well. My wife has told me more than once that you just can't please everyone. I don't like everything I try to read do I? No, and I sometimes feel very bad about that. Because I know how hard someone has worked and how they have put themselves out there, and there I go not liking it.

I find it especially hard when I see other people saying how much they loved a book they have read, but when I try to read it all I can think is "Really? I must be missing something."

Oh look! The sun is out! This would be a good day for writing...

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